Thursday, 24 November 2011

My 2 Friends and I

Movember keeps trucking along, we have reached our goal of $1000 and are now up to nearly $1200. Keep the donations coming. Thank you for all the support, my 2 friends and I appreciate it.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Friends and Movember

Had a friend from Canada drop in on maxxfit this week. Garth "cookie" Cooke and his lovely partner Erica paid us a visit for a workout. It was hard but they got through it. Thanks for the visit guys, we will see you when we visit Canada soon.

Thank you to all of the fabulous people who have donated to movember, over $1100 raised thus far. You asked for it you get it, a picture with a smile....

Monday, 21 November 2011

Movember Day 21

It has now been 21 days since I started to grow my mustache for the movemebr cause which heps raise funds for men's health.

My goal is $1000 and thus far the total is $535. We need the get the ball rolling again to meet the target.

Please follow the link provided and donate if you are able.

Thank you for you support.

Below is a list of the sessions on offer at maxxfit this week Nov 21-27.

Maxx Performance:

Monday & Wednesday @ 6pm, 1442 malvern Rd

Tuesday & Thursday @ 6am, Goodlife Glen Iris

Wednesday @ 6am, 1442 Malvern Rd

Saturday @ 6:30am, The Tan in the Kings Domain on Alexandra Ave

Maxx Strength

Monday & Friday @ 5:30am, 1442 Malvern Rd

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

8 week challengers

Well done to our 8 week challenge participants who backed up from last nights session with a grueling 60min slog with Kathryn this morning. We know you will be exceeding your goals in the next 4 weeks..

Monday, 14 November 2011

City 2 Sea

Congratulations to Paola & Kathryn on both of them running a personal best in yesterdays City 2 Sea fun run. 1 hr 23 min, well done ladies keep working hard...

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Movember day 9

The total so far is $270 and my goal is $1000, comon maxxfiters dig deep and donate for a good cause.
Click here and follow the links to make a donation.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Dates and things to know

It is the first week into November and the stash is going well. If you would like to donate please click here and follow the donate prompts.

Don't forget about the maxxfit Melbourne xmas party on December 3rd at wine@129, 129 Auburn Rd. If you are planning to attend please RSVP soon.

maxxfit has numerous group fitness sessions to choose from visit our website for all the latest information.

Friday, 4 November 2011


Day 4 and I have some stubble growing on my upper lip.
The reason for doing this movember thing is because I am passionate about men's health and fitness. If you would like to make a donation please click here and follow the donation prompts.