Thursday, 30 June 2011

Determination, Effort and Mental Strength

The three words in the heading sum up Irene Gault to a tee.. Below is a letter she has written for maxxfit. However this letter is not about us, it is about Irene and the determination, effort and mental strength she has shown on her change of lifestyle journey.
Irene you inspire us to continue to do what we do.

Having battled the bulge all my life, I joined Weight Watchers over a year ago and lost almost 20 kg.

Working with Kathryn, she advised me that she was looking for a ‘guinea pig’ to train herself as she had qualified as a trainer. I was very happy to be the guinea pig as it met my needs of requiring a skilled person to assist me with exercise to loose another 13 kg and get me to my goal weight and continue to change my lifestyle forever.

Well what can I say? maxxfit trainers Kathryn and Shane have transformed me.  I love to exercise now.  I look forward to the 3 sessions that I attend in the week and have only ever missed one since commencing.

I believe that the transformation has occurred as both Kathryn and Shane do not allow me to get board as I never know what is coming up in the next session.   They very cleverly have hooked me into the world of exercise by providing me with very challenging workouts that have tested both my mental and physical strength and they have pushed me over the line with the variation.

Since commencing at maxfitt in March 2011 I am happy and proud to advise that I have now lost a further 3.3kg on the scales and a further 20cm all over which I think is even more noticeable than the result on the scales.

I can only thank Kathryn and Shane for believing in me and assisting me to reach my life goal of finally getting to my target weight and for helping me make exercise a big part of my life.

Kathryn & Shane you are the best!!!

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